Sunday, June 30, 2019

Explanation of Dream House

Painting of the house on Sudbury Road in Concord, MA, by Felix in 2017

Through his teen years, Felix found solace is an old house near his home in Concord Massachusetts. The house was falling apart and abandoned but Felix loved it and wanted badly to be able to restore it. In fact, he tried many times to reach out to the absent owner of the house, but he was a completely inaccessible recluse. 

Anna in her dress
The house was a metaphor to Felix, of the parts of himself that he felt could not be expressed. It was where he housed his oppressed femininity. He also deeply identified with Anna, one of the previous young inhabitants of the house. In the house, he came across some of her belongings such as her dress and some Polaroid pictures.

The house was eventually torn down, and to say Felix was heartbroken is an understatement. Following that, Felix wrote a journal entry, included here, in which he speaks of the house's meaning to him. He also painted an image of the house, with him running towards it, as if he was running home after being gone for a while.

Felix in Anna's dress with his friends in Concord, MA

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